Wednesday, December 30, 2009

10 Management reSOLUTIONS for 2010

  1. Make sure the business strategy is understood and clear to all employees
  2. Make sure the employees understand how their value and job roles contribute to the overall success of the business
  3. Improve your communication with employees
  4. Help people reach their potential through coaching and/or mentoring
  5. Make sure you are consistent in your message and actions
  6. Focus yourself and all the employees on the “High Payoff Activities”
  7. Become more goal and results-oriented
  8. Understand that you are responsible for employee engagement.
  9. Focus your energies on people development and career enhancement
  10. Understand that the tools of accountability (data, metrics, analysis, assessments, and performance evaluations) are neutral and need to become the tools that high achievers use to understand and improve performance.
By Richard Hohmann, VP of Innovative Leadership
Making of an Effective Manager Course 2010

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