Wednesday, December 30, 2009

10 Business reSolutions for 2010

  1. Conduct a SWOT Analysis for 2009 and analyze your sales, operations, people, and financial commitments.
  2. Conduct a Customer Satisfaction Survey to define benchmarks in your core competencies
  3. Develop a Strategic or Business Plan for 2010.
  4. Meet quarterly with your professional advisors (Accounting, Legal, Business Consultant, Financial Planner, etc.) to review progress and determine action plans.
  5. Focus your energies on your talented people
  6. Complete a course or take a workshop for self-improvement and/or business development
  7. Focus on your strengths, the strengths of your people, and your processes.
  8. Prioritize your tasks and make sure others do as well.
  9. Remember that time management is personal management.
  10. Celebrate success; offer praise and recognition to your top producers.
By Richard Hohmann, VP of Innovative Leadership
Business Consulting - Leadership/Management Development, Strategic Planning and more

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