Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Best Practices for Assessment Selection

Companies are starting to depend on assessments to help acquire, develop, and promote the best talent.  Assessment instruments are one of the best tools to support your hiring and selection processes, people development initiatives including succession planning,  and helping to define you high potential candidate or future leader.
The challenges facing companies today include employee turnover, lack of employee engagement in the work environment, recruiting the right person for the right job, and retaining the future stars of tomorrow.   These are the major issues that affect the bottom line of any company today.
Most companies understand the various costs involved when a bad hire occurs.  It is estimated today that the cost of replacing a high achiever in any company is between three and four times the individual’s annual salary.  Your company’s investment spent on recruiting, development and retention can be a significant portion of your budget. 
Cost savings and outcomes more than justify the cost of an effective assessment process.  Here is how that assessment process can make it happen:

  • Identifies  and attracts top talent
  • Reduces your recruitment time
  • Reduces unnecessary training costs
  • Identifies the behaviors and aptitudes needs for high achievement in all positions
  • Predict job success more accurately by benchmarking the position, not the person
  • Protects you from lawsuits, and
  • Helps you provide an effective succession plan

The selection of which assessment instrument to use can be unnerving.  If you focus on the answers to the following questions, your selection process may become easier.
  • Is the assessment instrument valid and reliable?
  • Does the assessment instrument comply with all Federal and State regulatory criteria?
  • Does the scoring produce enough information to make consistent and accurate decisions?
  • Does the assessment instrument measure all the important factors relating to high achievement in the position?
  • Does the assessment instrument give you the opportunity to determine a “benchmark” for each position that can be customized for your company and its culture?

Innovative Leadership of the Delaware Valley, LLC offers numerous assessment instruments but only one can meet the above criteria.  Let us help you with the selection process.  Call 609-390-2830 for your complimentary Assessment  Instrument – The Achiever.  Test drive the instrument before you establish the Process.

1 comment:

sonia mehata said...

There are number of employee performance evaluation software present in the market. Performance management software also helps track employee performance against business objectives to easily track skills and increase competencies for areas that will have the greatest impact.