Monday, April 1, 2013

Everything DiSC Workplace Case Study

This case study focuses on two people from one company that used the Everything DiSC Workplace Profile and the companion Everything DiSC Comparison Report to make progress toward improving the quality of their workplace.. Jennie and Joe (names have been changed) worked closely together on the Marketing Team.    While pay and benefits were above average, their job satisfaction and relationship was rapidly deteriorating.  

Jennie's priorities and strengths were generating enthusiasm, taking action, and collaborating with others. She was motivated by working in a high energy environment where everyone could express themselves and build warm relationships.   Being isolated in a dull, unsocial environment and being forceful or insistent with others were stressful and sapped her energy.

Joe's priorities and strengths were getting immediate results, taking action and challenges which pushed himself and others.  He was motivated by working independently, controlling how things got done, and implementing ideas quickly.  Slowing down the pace, inefficiency, and paying attention to the emotional needs of others were stressful and sapped his energy.

Jennie's perception of Joe was he's too driven, blunt, outspoken, and forceful.  Joe's perception of Jennie was she's too talkative, unrealistically optimistic and emotional, with little concern about getting tangible results. Judging had become their m.o. Joe wanted to control how things got done so didn't appreciate Jennie's collaborative nature.  Jennie wanted to enthusiastically embrace everyone's ideas so didn't appreciate Joe's driven results oriented nature.

The Everything DiSC Comparison Report revealed Joe was more Skeptical and Jennie was more Accepting.  Joe's  Action Plan included avoiding coming across as overly critical of her ideas and appeal to her need to participate in the discussion.  Jennie's Action Plan included being ready with facts and evidence in response to his questions, thereby appealing to his more logical side.

While things aren't perfect, they have definitely moved from judging to understanding and respecting each other's differences and have concrete action plans for improving their relationship.   

They both said the Everything DiSC Workplace Profile and Everything DiSC Comparison Report was invaluable as it provided focused dialogue and gave them specific strategies for working together more effectively.   And.....they have inspired the rest of their team to take the Everything DiSC Workplace Profile.

via Zitzloff Training

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