Many companies spend a great deal of time and energy focusing on the marketing conditions, planning their strategy to meet the highly competitive environment, preparing for those unforeseen external obstacles like fuel costs, economic recession, etc. only to fall quite short of their goals.
I have noticed the following pitfalls that companies fall in:
1. They streamline their management layers losing valuable and irreplaceable talent in the process.
2. They listen to the experts in their industry and the mass media without spending the majority of their time surveying their own customers to determine what their needs may be over the next twelve months.
3. They never tell the employee what their business strategy looks like therefore engagement goes out the window.
4. They eliminate the decision-making process when it comes to the financial resources needed to move forward, and
5. They focus internally at the cost-effectiveness of their operations and don’t focus on their sales and marketing efforts and appropriate ROI
The reason for the above pitfalls is primarily due to the fact that most companies do not have a Strategic Development Process in place that can help them through the “white water” and correct their course in a relatively short period of time opposed to changing the course entirely using up their precious response time.
Do any of those scenarios sound familiar?
We can help you focus on “What Matters Most” – the ways and the means to generate revenue, your people, the systems and processes that make a difference, and the financial expectations of your actions. In other words, we help you get results. The time is now to maximize your strategy and strengths.
For more information on our “What Matters Most” Process contact us.
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