Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Change Must be Believed in

Just yesterday we watched President. Barak Obama inaugurated into office. His campaign slogan was Change We Can Believe In. . .now translate that into your business.

Here are a few questions to think and act on:
  • As a business owner, what Changes will you be making in 2009 that your employees can believe in?
  • As a Business owner, what Changes in Your Plan of Actions will keep your employees more engaged?
  • How does your Strategic Plan reflect the Change Plan by the new President?
Change must be believed in.....use the right type of training and development to achieve employee engagement
What are you planning to do differently in 2009? Let's make a list of Five "To Do's"
1. Conduct more one on one conversations with employees
2. Use meetings to both gain insight and focus on innovation
3. Use Training and Development that includes practical ideas that can be applied in the workplace today that can make a difference.
4. Formulate a budget and monitor the results monthly
5. Focus on the strengths of the employee and the commitment by your customers.


Article written by Richard J. Hohmann Jr., Senior Business and Management Consultant for Innovative Leadership, a strategic partner with Fitzpatrick, Bongiovanni, & Kelly, PC, and also a member of the Collaboration Team for Leadership Management International. Richard can also speak at your next organization’s meeting, to invite him to speak call 609-390-2830, For your business solutions click here: http://

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