Work–Life Balance still a Key Issue for Men
A new Workplace Insights survey found out that half the moms say they split their time equally between work and home while just thirty – two percent of the men said they balance their work-life equally.
Men have a more difficult time of balancing their work-life and really would prefer more flexibility that would enhance their work-life balance. Flexibility doesn’t replace good time-management skills and most male managers need to improve their time management skills. They attempt to use the latest electronic devices to compliment their lifestyle but end up spending thirty percent more time working with the device as opposed to just writing it down, on a legal pad or whatever is available.
The use of a paper planning and administration system may save you up to thirty minutes a day, but who’s counting? Make sure you use the tools that compliment your work-life goals. A Business Coach who is well versed in Time Management techniques can offer you options that may help satisfy that work-life dilemma. Remember, just because you think it should work better, doesn’t always mean it does.
Richard Hohmann is the leading Coach of Innovative Leadership. Call to test drive coaching for 30 min, no obligation. 609.390.2830.
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