are starting to depend on assessments to help acquire, develop, and
promote the best talent. Assessment instruments are one of the best
tools to support your hiring and selection
processes, people development initiatives including succession
planning, and helping to define you high potential candidate or future
challenges facing companies today include employee turnover, lack of
employee engagement in the work environment, recruiting the right person
for the right job, and retaining the future
stars of tomorrow. These are the major issues that affect the bottom
line of any company today.
companies understand the various costs involved when a bad hire occurs.
It is estimated today that the cost of replacing a high achiever in any
company is between three and four times
the individual’s annual salary. Your company’s investment spent on
recruiting, development and retention can be a significant portion of
your budget.
savings and outcomes more than justify the cost of an effective
assessment process. Here is how that assessment process can make it